as we currently have started a new game, prior to that - as usual - the discussion about what kind of map should be chose, what newgrf used and what - if at all - boundary conditions should be used. This may drag a bit - to the dismay of a few persons, wishes may even be mutually exclusive - or result in less than optimally configured games. Therefor I'd like to encourage all people to consider setting up a nice new game and providing a savegame from which a new public server game (or possibly also pro zone game) might start from. Before you actually start creating a map, you have to choose from the main OpenTTD screen the newgrfs you want the new game to work with. Subsequent modification may work, but it may also introduce all kinds of bugs which can render a game unplayable. General rule: per grf type choose only ONE single grf: Entries marked with * are entries where more than one grf may be chosen. In all other cases stick with one grf. Now, check the grf list whether there are any incompatibilities or requirements that one grf comes before another - fix those. At this stage you also might want to set grf parameters for some grf. Most road, town and vehicle sets take grf parameter to modify their behaviour. Have a look at the supplied readme files for details. E.g. the 2cc train set allows to control the pricing and running costs as well as the choice of available trains via grf parameters. Use the grf presets to save your selection of grfs for future reference - it's a nice selection which you may want to refer to later :) Now, that you have chosen the grfs, make sure you use appropriate config settings. Many can be changed on the fly during the running game, but some cannot: There are a few things to consider when choosing a map: You may also certainly look around in the scenario section and shop around for a good map which might be modified a bit to suit your - and our - needs.